by Janice Matturro on 11/14/13
Have you ever dreamed a dream about a dream? Last night I dreamed the following dream:
I am riding along in a car with two friends of mine. We are crossing a bridge that is over a large body of water. Suddenly, the bridge ends, exposing a dangerous drop into the water. “ Whoa!” I shout. “I have dreamed this dream a hundred times before.”
In the dream that I have dreamed a hundred times before, I take the leap of faith and drive my car into the water where it connects with some type of mechanical apparatus that keeps my car safely above water as it safely guides my car to shore -- much how a ramp at a car wash functions.
This dream is different, though. I am not driving; I am sitting in the backseat. My friend, who is the driver, is driving at 90 miles per hour, and I notice that the windows of the car are dilapidated -- kind of like old-fashioned roll up windows that are lopsided because they have come off their tracks.
I don’t feel safe in this dream since I am not the driver's seat and, obviously, not in control of the situation. I decide to get out of the car and walk back to land, over the part of the bridge that is still intact.
What do you think, if this were your dream??
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