by Janice Matturro on 07/09/13
FUNNY, STRANGE, AND SURPRISING DREAM WORD CHALLENGE: Share your funny, strange, and surprising dream words right here on this thread:
Dreams can be very entertaining and educational when they present you with words that expand your everyday vocabulary. Strange, funny, and surprising dream words are opportunities to new adventures, ideas, and experiences.
I recall one dream that presented me with the word DESIDERIO. I decided to follow my dream word by taking a Google Trip: First, I uncovered its meaning: "DESIDERIO is a masculine name with origins in Spanish and Portuguese (meaning longing) and Italian (meaning desire)." Then, I focused on the words "longing and desire." I watched the words "longing and desire" as they played out in my everyday, waking life through synchronicity and coincidence.
As I followed my dream word in my waking life, it guided me to a Shamanic Astrologer, who provided me with many personal insights into the reasons why I am compelled to study and to teach dreamwork. By following my dream word, I had uncovered the source of my desire and longing.
There are other creative ways to work with your funny, strange, and surprising dream words; You can write a poem or a story about your dream word. Of course, you can play word detective like I did and follow your dream word to other places, people, cultures, other times, and even other worlds.
HAVE FUN! In the spirit of the challenge, I dreamed last night of the funny word TRUEGETTE. So, I think I will write a short poem based on this funny dreamword. I'll be back . . . Oh. . that makes me think of the movie, TRUE LIES. . . I wonder if that is a clue?